Hand Feet Revitalisation

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    Hand Feet Rejuvenation
    Hand Feet Revitalisation

    Hand and Feet Revitalisation through fat transfer involves processed fat from the patient’s own body to recontour the patient’s hands.

    Fillers and Fat transfers beautify the feet and there have been successful results using both techniques. The procedure is also known as autologous

    Hand Feet

    fat transplantation

    • Beautifying the Feet with Fat Transfer and Fillers are possible and there have been successful reports using both techniques.
    • Fat globules are removed by liposuction from the donor area.
    • The fat globules are then cleaned and processed, and then injected into the wrinkled area.
    • All you get is soft and natural looking hands and feet.
    • Dr Monisha is one of the best and most reliable plastic surgeons to perform hand and feet Revitalisation.
    • A fat transfer procedure transfers fat from areas in which there is excess fat and injects into areas that may be lacking in volume such as your hands, feet.

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